Wednesday, December 02, 2009

i took this from somewhere & it makes sense.

we all grow up eventually, we will all meet new people have new beginnings and move on. i've come to realise that everything is so fleeting, nothing actually lasts. but when i look at other people they seem to have perpetual happiness that actually last for a much longer time than my spasmodic glee, i start to wonder and question what is actually wrong with my life? i keep trying to make it last and im so tired but im still trying. but last night i just felt like nothing is going to work out anymore. everything is starting to make sense. actions words expressions all of them and i'll always only be invisible.


Blogger Unknown said...

wow, I actually agrre with this..some people just ahve it right all the way..the evil side of me actually asks "When are they going to fail?" I secretly wish they do coz they seem to have it all..

*sigh* I wish I was a rich girl too!


1:30 PM  

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