Sunday, August 13, 2006


Oh well, I just got my freaking Chinese O-level results. I was freaking disappointed when I heard that I got a 6. What the heck, I seriously studied !@#!@#!@#!!@ hard for it man. Crap, I think I screwed my freaking oral, I got a bloody pass only. Wth. This is so depressing you know, especially when the people around you gets higher. oh well, luck is not on my side. My eyes are like still swollen, damn. Thanks everyone for cheering me up =)
To lighten things up, had 3-on-3 floorball w the girls today. It was pretty fun lah, haha, never played 3-on-3 for a few years already. This would be the last time I'll be touching my stick. I need to get serious work for now. I hope I dont screw up my English oral tmr man, I cant afford to. Wish me luck!

He's like the most adorable baby man. lol YOUTHS!

loves =D


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