Thursday, April 05, 2007

I've made my up mind to submit my resignation to Nike BIRD.
My whole morning was totally spoiled by my stupid dumb ass boss. I think she's like the brainless person ever lah, really pissed me off during stock take man. She only sits there and pretends to sniff loudly and watch me replenish 12 cartons of apparels. WTFFFFFFFFF, and everyone in MSQ outlet hates her like shit. I purposely pissed her off today la but submitting my schedule next week to just work one day only. LOL, and ya, I think she was also pissed with me and told me tt they would have to let me go if I cant commit. Aiyah, just tell me straight in my face if your not happy lor.. Dont need to beat around the bush :) and and and partly, I'm a bloooooody slacker man, hahahaha. I always go into the store to sit and slack around when there's no customers outside. I'll definitely miss some colleagues lah, but people do come and go. I guess I'll have to find another job.. No doubt I've learnt quite abit about the Nike products and all.. But no choice I guess.
Okay lah, to hell w that dumb shit cockhead boss of mine. CIAO!


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