Friday, July 13, 2007

friday the 13th

& then again another week passes by.
In another 5 weeks time, everyone will separate and be re-shuffled to another class.
Thats how fast 5 months just fly by like that.
So what have I been up to lately?
I must admit I've not been doing real work. So are my friends too. HAHA.
School is just the same old thang.
I must say I'm getting bored of it, sometimes I really wonder if I've made the right choice by coming to RP, despite travelling all the way from Pasir Ris to Woodlands everyday. Its like, kudos to me man. For the past 10 years of my primary school + secondary school education, I just take about 10 mins to reach school. Oh well.

Besides school will be Floorball.
Its like school & FB, school & FB. Its kinda taking up too much of my time that I don't even have time with my friends, not forgetting my family. No I'm not complaining, its just that I can sense that Mommy is rather unhappy. After all, I chose to make this decision myself.

Tmr is the 4th year of my grandfather's anniversary.
Somehow, I do miss my family. Dad, mum, Grandparents, Sis + me.
I still recall during my childhood days whereby we 1 big family will go out together.
Then slowly, the family tree keeps decreasing, down from 6 to 3. So whos next ?

On a lighter note, Mummy's coming back from Penang today.
Although she left for 1 day only, I feel so empty at home.
Probably cuz my sister doesnt even give a hoot about me, and no1's doing the housework. Haha, I hope she gets something back for us man.
Weekends just tmr, & soon. Its black monday =S


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