Saturday, June 28, 2008

Get Busy Baby,

Right, I'm supposed to be packing my room now. My house's in a total mess, we're gonna move out pretty soon, probably by Wednesday I guess.
You know the packing really sucks, hahaha I can't imagine unpacking man, moreover the house's gonna be smaller and all. Up till now, I've not seen the new house yet, baik or what?

This week zoomed by damn quickly, with trainings 5x a week, omg my legs. They're killing me, and next week ain't gonna be any better.. I was early for training today like FINALLY, yes you can go buy 4D like what Mr Amir said, HAHAHA. Yea ballz! I'm damn tired, I better continue packing.

Look what I've found while packing, sweeeeeeeeeet lah. I'm lazy to catergorise everything in order so there you go.


I finally saw my sister after a week?
Hahaha, Westlife! MY FAVOURITE SIA.

Shit, I found this in my diary, I even cursed my dad =S
Look at the date, back then in 2002 when he was still around.

HAHA, secondary 1? During our student council days. Ohmygod I look damn stupid. Kthxbye,

Family photo taken bloooody long ago.

Quite random ah, look at all the rubberbands I got when I had my long hair last time.
I threw everything all away =/

My legs looked like.. I dont know, chopsticks? Eww.
Ignore the twist, Kawaiiiinehx. HAHAHA SORRY AH SEC 1 AH LIAN AH.

Shit, my bio test. HAHAHAHA last in class C'MON!

My favourites, since 2003 -2007 I think.

Hahaha, miss you all!

Baik or what, chemistry notes which I still failed in Os. Hahaha useless.

My whole room is in a total mess sia.

HAHAHA, some stupid chinese composition.
My handwriting quite neat uh ^^

hahahaha, year 2003 babe.

I doubt I'll be as online as often once I move in to Bedok. There's no internet connection there, how can?!


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