Saturday, March 21, 2009

I'm currently here on the railing, just right beside the bus stop below my place. I've got westlife on my ipod to keep me company, and hoping that my queen won't catch me loitering here at such hour. Feels like as though I just ran away from home or something but no, argh I can't help but resort to this cuz its really boring at home.

It kinda got me thinking that we girls are always on the losing end in everything. It seems like boys on the other hand, they are more nonchalant to everything. The girls end up getting hurt, well I'm saying this in general and to my point of view that is.

why is it always so hard for girls to move on after they've ended a r/s with their partners? Why is it always that guys can pretend as though nothing has happened even after you had a big tiff or even.. Breaking up? If you realise something, its always the girls who will end up doing foolish things and really go crazy, even to the extent of getting depressed. Ever heard of guys like that? Not really right?

I'm just thinking about such thing, now don't you get me wrong, I'm not feeling emo or what. But I kinda think this is quite true. Oh well gerri hurry! My backside really pain alr, I've been sitting here for more than half an hour u bitch!


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