Sunday, April 19, 2009

fuck man, cheebye

fuck man, this is getting overboard. too much man, really too much.
eh 21 year old, can you bloody wake up your idea and stop troubling the whole world? not everyone is as free as you okay to get yourself wasted everytime. stop wallowing in self-pity, it's not gonna help you or others, seriously.

and so much about your own health, call yourself a role model when you can't even control your own behaviour? how would you want the younger ones to look up to you? do you know what fucking rubbish came out from your mouth when you were gone? you sounded like one pathetic freak, seriously that no-one would even wanna care about you cuz we're fucking irritated and had enough of all your bullshit.

i feel fucking bad to have to trouble your friend to fetch you from the other end of singapore, FUCKING LOOK AT THE TIME NOW. i think its time you go do some serious reflection, i've been way too nice and patient with you. so did the others.

we all are damn tired from the game, and also of your nonsense. just stop it.


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