Friday, May 22, 2009

annoying much?!

it's damn annoying that i can't seem to open the 6Ps now cuz of my so-wonderful UT tmr. i'm supposed to go to bed but cuz of this new system of UT, i think i ought to study for UTs now. leo's damn fucked up, ihaterpman.

anyway i just caught the american idol finals and it was aweeeeeeeeeesome. there were so many artists invited, fergie, jason mraz!!, queen bla bla bla. wooo and no boundaries is stuck in my head.
i think that kris looks like nicky byrne from westlife?!? haha he's got the boyband faceeeeeeeee.

i had to give up on my lifesaving course cuz of the bloody UT tmr and leo's being a bitch now. the people in the course seems fun :( sighhhhhhhhhh i guess i'll have to wait for the next life-saving cours€e which i don't know how long it'll take....


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