Wednesday, August 12, 2009

because i can't sleep

I liked how I spent my National day this year, something special from the other years. No I didn't attend the NDP which I badly wanted to, Jakarta with my family was awesome.

It felt like we didn't had a family holiday for sooo long, the last time we went on a trip was Bangkok 2 years back? Feels like Mummy has changed =S Sigh I think it's either I'm getting sensitive, or it's her and her menopause syndromes. I wouldn't say that the trip was awesome but at least I had quality time spent there with Mommy+Sissy.

Bandung was nice, the weather was chilly, the life there is very laid-back I like. Jakarta on the other hand was, so-so. The traffic is bloody bad and I thought i was going to die cuz the van kinda slipped off the super steep slope. Oh we even visited a church okay! The last time I went to church was.. zomg i myself can't remember. The church is soooo pretty, as compared to Singapore, we're peanuts man.

Oh well i'm just typing randomly cuz I can't sleep even though i need to wake up at 9am tmr for FYP. 9AM ON A WEDNESDAY?!?! Wtf. I'll blog more if I feel like. K i wanna go to bali badly!


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