Tuesday, September 29, 2009

you know

i had the most awesome weekend! f1 was awesome, totally rocked singapore on! haha can't believe i'm turning into an f1 fanatic, oooh i support brawn (jenson button&ruben barichello btw). awesome shitzzz, plus we had the hottest boss around. memorable f1 w good money =D

omg f1 was so cool because i saw BSB(BACKSTREET'S BACK ALRIGHT!), travis was around too! err saw scherzinger on the big tv, hahahaha k wdv. sooo happy, what more. oh i saw linsay lohan at raffles city's topshop today! like helllllo it's linsay lohan, hahaha she's so scrawny she looked like she hadn't eaten for 6 months =/

sighhh i've got 1 more week of holidays left to go before semester 2 starts. this also means i'm graduating in 6 months time omgzzz time flies like firefly. k not funny.

omg i'm a happpeeeee girl :) pictures soon! oh before that, i'm so dead for fyp. 2 bloody weeks of break from fyp and i've not done anything for tmr's meeting! fuckkkkkk fyp =@ i want f1 now!


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