Sunday, October 25, 2009

Reasons why I had a fulfilling week :

Start of POL-ITE, floorball's finally alive again!

I went to school for 2 out of 4 days this week, fantastic. Very nice to have Atiqah staying just across me so when we skip school, we lepak lepak lepak.
Stayover cum baking session was goood. Saturday was nothing but work & I got very bad burnts :@ Halloween 2 after dinner was a waste of time, stupid movie don't watch.

Sentosa for Hadi's birthday was awesome, perfect night at Sentosa to chillraxxxxx. And sissy + mummy's back home, no more home alone no more hang loose. I MUST GO TO SCHOOL EVERYDAY NEXT WEEK. MUST MUST MUST.

Hello you want to be my friend marhx ? KEKE


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