Monday, November 30, 2009

Sawadikap Phuket!

I've to admit that Phuket's one of my best holidays so far this year (err I've only been to Jakarta & Phuket, of course I'll choose the latter!). I don't know to consider this as a good trip anot cuz shit happened during the trip and it had to happen on the first day. Mum's disappointed+angry x1000000000000 with me (well you go figure why) which leaves me feeling helpless during the trip but luckily I had my aunt there too if not it would be me against the queen feat.Phuket 2009. Hahahaha okay not funny.

The beach's awesome, so much better than Sentosa seriously. Sentosa's crap, the sand's so fine and they had jet-skis and everything there. Awesome beach and the best part about the trip is : Patong Beach is just 10m away from my hotel(Holiday Inn).

k la my queen hot ah.

During the whole trip, I kept wondering what if there's gonna be Tsunami hahahah because I saw the evacuation signs everywhere. And when I got back home in Singapore, the first thing I did was to search for Tsunami videos in phuket on Youtube, the place where I exactly was hit by the Tsunami 4 years ago, so not funny if I die there ah. hahahaha the waves are so strong, the weather's so hot and sunny? (Monsoon season my ass)

Shopping's so-so because everything sold there was practically sold in the whole of Patong (every shop was literally selling the same old thing-.-) and the people there are fucking rude. No offence but the SNAIDNI (go figure) were motherfucking rude to their customers, stupid losers who think they're damn cool+rich? They're just nothing but a bunch of despos who's hungry for sex(well i asked the local people there and they didn't like the snaidni living there too). Get a life man suckerssssssssss. I didn't get to experience the nightlife there cuz I was with my mum+aunt but the Ang Mohs there are like HOTx123456789098765432 hahah what I liked about them is that they're very open. You see like 8/10 of ladies walking in bikinis down the streets of Patong but if you do that in Singapore, people think that you're siao! Siao lah Singaporeeeeeeeeeans!

Bikes were out for rental, I was so tempted to rent a bike but how when my queen was around. Many restrictions with her around lah but think about it, no her means no money no honey. hahahahahah.

See the pool in my hotel, they had like 6-7 pools catered to different people. Awesome shit!

Err okay.

You could literally see like Tattoo shops every 200m you walk in Phuket. And it made it even weirder for me =/

I'd rather be in Phuket and soak up the sun everydayyyyy booo IlovePhuket! 3d2n is definitely not enough but sigh back to reality, I better start on FYP.


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