Saturday, September 02, 2006


Was tagged by Farah K.
1) Do the following without complaints.
2) Choose 5 persons to do this after you have completed yours.
3) Leave a tag on the person's tagboard to say he/she has been tagged.

Favourite colour: Lime Green
Favourite food: Depends on my mood lah. haha
Favourite movie: A Walk To Remember, A lot like love.
Favourite sport: FLOOOOOOOORBALL.
Favourite day of the week: Only when its HOLIDAY, i love everyday in the week.
Favourite ice-cream: Vanilla!
Favourtie TV shows: Full House, those HK drama series.

Current mood: HIGH.
Current taste: My saliva taste can. lol
Current clothes: T-shirt and shorts
Current desktop: ERRRRRR, a lot like love wallpaper. LOL, its been here since last year. too lazy to change.
Current toenail colour: No nail polish
Current time: 10.06pm
Current annoyance: I'm hell worried for prelims. oh boy~
Current thoughts: What I'll do after my Os - highlight hair etc etc. wooo

First best friend: Farah K (I knew her since P1 and we're still close now, how sweeet. lol )
First crush: Confidential. lol
Frist movie: Cant remember, nong nong ago. lol
First lie: Can't remember, God loves me so much that he has forgiven me. lol
First music: ERRR. Twinkle twinkle lil stars? lol

Last cigarette: Yucks, I hate smokers please.
Last drink: Plain water
Last car ride: SBS bus lah.
Last crush: Confidential pleaseeeeeee. lol
Last CD played: A1 - Make It Good

Have you ever dated one of your best friends: Nope
Have you ever broken the law: Errr yes, many indeed. Laws are meant to be broken anyway. lol
Have you ever been arrested: Nope
Have you ever skinny dipped: Nope
Have you ever kissed someone you don't know: NOOOO.

5 lucky people:
1) Han Lin
2) Jiayu
3) Annette
4) Anyone who's reading this
5) Anyone :)

Okay, so I went to TY's house today to study. Hey, we did study okay, there were 4 of us - HL, JY, TY & me. We had fun there lah, I hope TY's mum din get a bad impression or smth. hahaha, okay so everyone's excited about PROM. Its a hot topic man, my school has decided to either hold it @ Grand Hyatt or the Swiss Hotel. WOO, its gonna be 1 hell night man. And if ****ice is gonna be prom queen, I'm gonna take a loud hailer and booooooooooooooo her under my table. LOL, or maybe I'll bring a whistle to booo her. I'm sure everyone will OBJECT violently. LOl, so exciting. Okay lah, for now. Its PRELIMS!! goodnessssssssss gracious.


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