Tuesday, January 30, 2007

My sis has just told me about this Taiwanese actress who passed away in a car crash. I've read tabloids and news about her, I was taken aback from the news. She's only 28 and died a tragic death like that. It sort of made me think back about my dad who has passed away like.. 3 years back, how shocked my sis and i was when we got the telephone call from my mum.. She was crying, or rather, sobbing. So my sis and I rushed immediately down to the hospital to meet my mum, she didnt tell us until we reached there ourselves. Fuyoh, I still can remember the kind of atmosphere at the hospital there. It was a very solemn kind of thing. I seriously cant imagine myself facing death. Who can lah actually. I cant imagine if my sis or mum would ever leave me.. Sheeesh, I dno what I'll do w/o them. I just talked back to my mum just now. So I guess we better cherish them huh b4 they're gone. Life's short man =)
This entry is sooo emo, hahaaha. But oh well, this is life.


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