Monday, May 14, 2007

yo mama

I'm currently in class right now and am mutli-tasking. I better do some work today or else I'l get another C for this damn module. Mother's Day yesterday was just like any other ordinary day, and yes, kudos to me for waking up early just to go to church. I think that going to church makes me feel better, more holy :) like a holy cow. hahaha.
Mummy has been bugging me to collect my O-level certs. I bet no1 even knows that we can even go and collect it. Anyway, I doubt I even have the time to go back to school. Going back to Greenview would be nice, especially with the What Siolxzxz gang. Hahaha, I bet they miss me truckloads! Its nice to see everyone again, and I must admit I miss wearing Uniforms, even though Greenview's one sucks. Having to think of what to wear to school everyday can be a pain in the ass I swear. I miss my secondary school seriously, I've never had the bestest friends ever. Those shitty incidents like getting caught for cheating in tests, running away from assemblys. Hahaha.
Oh well, fond memories of a 17 year-old to-be kid.
Ahh, time for more blog-shopping!



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