Monday, January 26, 2009

I think this is gonna make me look stupid but who cares, I slipped and fell while mopping the floor just now HAHAHAHA. Damn pain I swear, lucky my leg hit the glass and not my face. Tsskkkk and lucky it wasn't my sissy nor queen who fell.

Anyway New Year's getting more and more boring every year, it's even sad to see that some of your relatives don't even make the effort to come down for a get-together session with the rest of the family, after all CNY is all about getting together right?

And I lost $8 while gambling just now so I gave up, tskkk no luckkkkkkkkk. K tmr's another day of cleaning up again when my mum's friends leave our place arghhh let's hope I don't fall again HAHAA k bye.


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