Monday, February 16, 2009

Growing Up

I spent my whole Sunday at home with my mum and her friends around (Mahjong session for them). I've to admit I quite like her group of friends(they're from the church choir bytheway), and it's funny how I can seem to click with all of them but not my sister. Sorry to say but they're like aunties and uncles, haha but I hate it how my sister likes to sulk and show face when my mum's friends or my friends come to our house, it's just her but it's bad isn't it? It kinda reflects on not only her but my mum too, like what would her friends think of my mum? No proper upbringing?

I think my sister should wake up and think that my mum is single now so she needs her own life and her own circle of friends too. You're 21 this year, not 12 year old my dear. So stop being a wet blanket whenever we have guests at home, if not go you can keep her company but not just stay in your own room and get hooked to those korean variety shows which I don't find it funny at all but you do. Mum and I were talking about it and she asked me to talk to my sister. It feels like I'm always the 'older' sister at home because I'm always the one doing all the house-work but not when it comes to going out and coming home late because I'm no.1 for that at home. Not only to my sister but also to my younger cousin whom is picking up Floorball and he has been quite naughty at home. My auntie has somehow asked me to talk to him and all but I thought that it helped somehow(HAHA). Wow.

I was too excited when one of her friends talked about driving and yes we're signing up for our BTT tmr! Mummy was saying if only I could be as excited about church, which I haven't found my motivation to do so yet. I'm old enough to think for myself and I hope one day God will call me back to church. That's because you never know when you need God, especially during times when you're down. I've only stopped at Communion I still have my Confirmation to go.Oh my we all have grown up haven't we?

This entry is getting too long.


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