Friday, February 06, 2009

I think it has come to a point of time when I know my holidays are not doing me any good - it makes me even lazier to get out and I've been over-spending, I think 3/4 of my CNY money is gone FUCK. That's not funny because I planned to use it on other things, FUCKSCREWEDFUCKSCREWED. I think I even missed my first FYP meeting for the 16 weeks shit, double fuck+screwed. I can't seem to get access to my school's e-mail because my password has expired but it's not an excuse I'm so screwed man shitballz.

Sorry to say, but I think I've kinda lost my motivation for Floorball already. Not surprising actually, eversince I've stopped playing in RP, I took like almost 4-5 months of break. Not even more surprising that I've dropped, so much indeed. Hahah even the people around me and my coach thinks so too. Oh well I just need to find that teeny weeny bit of motivation and hopefully I'll be back on track again, my peak was definitely... POL-ITE 2007, awesome baby.

Dinner with the girls today was AWESOMEEEEEE, finally full attendance and yes Jiayu I hope you'll pass your TP! Speaking of which, I'm damn keen to take my license since I think I'm not too bad with my directions, just that my queen doesn't want to sponsor me for my lessons arghhhhh and it's not cheap.
I'm damn broke now like brokeback mountain, and oh Hazmi just flew to Taiwan hahahah u better buy smth back for me yo see u back soon in 3 weeks time.


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