Sunday, February 08, 2009

mummy has finally allowed me to sign up for my driving, but wait we did not negotiate on the paying part. haaha fucked up man if i have to pay for my own license, this means i have to cut off $30 from my allowance. not farni siolz.

oh, i just went for my first ever facial session just now thanks to that 4in1 black pimple macam supermassiveblackhole sia. okay it was quite painful considering the fact that the auntie literally squeezed out all the pimples on my face, but it's gonna benefit me so it's okkkk i wanna go back for more facials. queen's paying anyway hahahaha. sissy & i spent like close to 5 hours in the medicure shop, this kinda wasted my whole sunday afternoon.

i swear i'm not gonna have anymore insomnia nights again, it's making me even more tired than usual, and i freaking regretted signing up for some stupid CCC ce talk tmr at 930am. wtf this means i need to wake up blooody earlyzxzzzxzz. oh and fyp keeps postponing, HAHA i knew our every tuesday FYP day will never come true somehow.
for now just sit back and relax. slowly slowly win the race uh!


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