Saturday, March 21, 2009

grrrr so yes, my plan kinda of backfired yesterday. i swear the queen seriously blew her top and she really made me mad. we were practically shouting at each other over the phone just becuz i'm going home late, well my plan was to not even go home at all. i'm sorry girls haha she was prolly in her pms-y mood ytd.

which mum would actually still be up at 445am you tell me?!? she screamed at me over the phone hahahaha wtf seriously, this is the one time that my sneak out plan kinda failed. but its okay whateverrrrr i'm still gonna sneak out again. arghh she should stop comparing me to my sister bcuz we're just different okay. whatever she kinda ruined my plans but oh well, i'll try to be a good girl.

before that we were kinda arguing on msn and i had to resort to blocking her, hahaha i'll unblock her soon when i feel like it. she's getting tooooooo hip that makes it even scary cuz she can check out every single thing about me, worst is about that stupid facebook incident. i'm.on.the.verge.of.deleting.her.away.
haha i know i sound like a bitch but she just got me into 1 of my bad days. period.


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