Wednesday, April 22, 2009

the only good thing about school now is that, it starts at 10am, no traffic jams, more seats in the bus - 39 & 168. gee, the only thing that's making everything worst is my sleeping habit, i still sleep at 3+ 4am. this probably explained why i skipped school today, it's only the second day of school, mind you.

sigh i think action speaks louder than words, i always say i want to do well bla bla bla but it never happens. instead it gets worst. haha i've got no motivation in school now, unless you give me LC in class or some hotboy. (eh actually i have, on thursday HEHEHEHE) i still got 15 more weeks to my fyp presentation, ce points to be cleared (MANY ce points), fuck ce points seriously. lucky i cleared PP last year, if not omgggggggggggzxxx.

work on the other hand is kinda wearing me out, it's quite tiring to work after school everyday that's cuz i need to juggle both work & school properly. i'm not saying like as though school is damn stressful(haha my ass), it's just that the travelling to and fro is tiring and helllo transport is expensive. i also don't know if i can really continue working in such enviroment, oh well. what else?

oh mummy's been rather cold to me lately. i guess it's cuz i'm always home after 12am everyday still and we've not been seeing each other even though we are lving under the same roof. she's quite hard to handle at times. she went crazy on one night, she almost bit my hand cuz she wanted to confiscate my hp ( i was conferencing at 3am and i had school the next day and we were snatching for my phones) hahahaha it must be the menopause symptoms. sissy on the other hand is doing well i guess, oh she passed her tp like finally! can't wait to pass mine too.

okay 230am soon. lucky it's wednesday tmr, no school still. let me find the motivation to go back to school, haha first thing first, i gotta make sure i'm on time for school and not skip school anymore =/


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