Tuesday, June 23, 2009

i think it's normal for athletes to reach their peak at one point of time, and also their off period after not training for long, or over-training. speaking of which, it's so obvious that i've dropped so much this season as compared to last season, or even POL-ITE 2007 where it was my peak. I remembered damn clearly still during my peak, i don't need to be told that i've dropped because i know it myself. haha it's normal, really.

i know where i stand now but how can you compare from last season and now? when you've been training almost everyday as compared to one training per week now or sometimes no training at all. haha yes comparisons are always made because competition is very everywhere. i might be wrong by saying this because some of my fellow team-mates are also having the same no. of training as me but why are they doing well but not me?
actually what matters is that the team is doing well, yes owls have been doing so far so good. it's this weekend that we are fighting for a 2nd place in the league, hopefully all goes well! it's all up to us yo sistazxzxxxz.
omg is this like some motivation entry or what shit. hahahahaha im supposed to be sleeping now for school tomorrow. let's pray that i go to school ok!


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