Saturday, July 04, 2009

my mum's damn anal recently. first it was the thermometer issue in school, and now cuz of me coming home late. just cuz i came home pretty late on a friday night, she almost wanted to slap me. mampos.

she should jolly well understand im not 16 years old alr who has no life, or rather i've been living in a no-life life lately and it sucks so much. ive been home at 5pm everyday and just cuz i come back close to 4am she had to scream at me on the phone(it happens ALWAYS). annoying muchhhhhhhh?

maybe it's cuz my sister is unlike me, she's always home early and seldom go out. but hellllllllllo michelle wee is wee ah meng and your younger daughter is different from her kay. sometimes i wished my dad was still around so he would erm, be more lenient with me.

k i think i will email my mum regarding this issue. hahahahahhaha


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