Saturday, October 31, 2009

I had

the most fulfilling week ever. Oh anyway my plan to attend school 4/4 days failed again:S Seriously I need to go to school everyday from now onwards, POL-ITE is making me skip school, too much. Best is I've got UT on Monday and I've attended 2/4 days for it so far. Good luck man =/

Monday was the Queen's 49th Birthday. Hail the Queeeen yo!

Rushed down to Costa Sands after dinner, WWW Chalet ftw! It was crazy cuz firstly it was Monday(I had school the next day BUT I woke up early for school and made it okayyyy!)
They drank alottttt and I can't hold my liquor well, I was damn mabok sia last warning.

2nd Week of POL-ITE, we're just almost there. Last game against NYP next Wednesday and I had the shittest+worst game ever yesterday zzzzz. Let's not get there.

I just had another WWW chalet, this time round with the Chinese people. Wooooo love this week k i better start studying for UT :S


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