Sunday, October 04, 2009

I suddenly had this inspiration to write. Y'know it's close to 4am now and school's starting like in a days time and my body clock is totally nocturnal. It's gonna be my last semester in RP, how time flies. I still remembered the first time I stepped into RP, how much RP has shaped me into. Both good and bad, ups & downs, countless times of trouble I've got into etc. I think the memory that stays would be with the wonderful friends I've made here, in RP :) I'm thankful I've got friends who got my back when I need them.

I still feel very awake and fresh, probably because I've been sleeping the whole day. So much for talking about FYP, I've not started on it yet! Wasted 4 fucking hours doing nothing productive. SOSOSOSOSOSOSOSO DEAD, FUCKKKITLAHFYP REALLY NO MOOD :(


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