Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Specially for my fav. Porkface,


I bet you won't see this till prolly tomorrow morning, I just spent 1 hour on these 2 cards for my favourite fatties.

Fatty = Gerri

Fat = K Porkface

Miss seeing you in your goalie attire.

I'm waiting for 4am to come before we all set off to the airport to send Gerri off. She's gonna stay in HK for 4 months, leaving is always the hardest. :(:( I'm gonna miss you Fatty!
Hope you 2 love the cards, I'm not an artsy fartsy person but my eyes are so tired from all these!
Sighh I still have school + UT tmr, gonna download the 6Ps now and be a good girl! :(:(:(:(


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