Tuesday, May 15, 2007

28 weeks

If you ever want to watch a movie this weekend or anything, NEVER WATCH 28 WEEKS.
I wasted my $6.50 on it and paid this sum of money to scare myself.
Okay la although this show is M-18, BUT STILL. All the mass killings on this bloody gruesome show really scared me, I even had to force myself to sleep in order not to scare myself.
I will rate this show 0/5. Idiotic show. haha.
AND, I woke up super early today, like 6.30am so as just to be on time for my UT in school which starts at 9.
And it just had to rain so heavily when I was walking to my bus-stop, how nice huh. Despite leaving early, I was still late for UT. Bloooooody shit, I missed 4 mins of my UT. And mind you, 1 minute is so damn precious luh. Basket.


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