Thursday, July 26, 2007


Sometimes you ask yourself, what do you want in life?
What do we go to school for?
For me now, I must admit that I'm getting lazier day by day. Its been ages since I last touched my pen, to even do a mathematics sum. I somehow miss my secondary school days, at least I know that I'm learning something new everyday. Memorising my whole thick file of Biology notes, history, SS ?? Those were the days.

How about RP? I feel that instead of doing well, I'm slacking even more. Hmmmmm, is it just me or what? I guess so, or maybe I'm just tired. But hey, thats not an excuse for not doing work. Everyday I reach home close to 12am, go online till almost 1.30am then sleep. Wake up to go school, floorball, sleep. Its just the same old routine everyday. I know I'm not the only one feeling like that, my mates are as tired too.

Life ain't a bed of roses after all. When things don't go your way, I know I can count on my friends to be there for me.
& I'm beginning my nocturnal ways again it annoys me. Everyday I go to school, I feel sooo sleepy and dread to go school. Thats the wrong path to success? haha. I can't help it. I always fall asleep in the 3rd meeting, I mean who doesn't ? With the air-con and the right kind of atmosphere with the lights off during presentation, I reckon anyone cannot help but to fall asleep. I told myself that after the setback I got from my Os, the horrendous results, I will do my best in RP. Hmmm, saying is one thing, but doing is another thing. Like hellllooooo, life is just not about studying huh, but still we need a diploma to get a job.

Okay it seems like I'm writing a composition, I should STOP IT. Its back to those emo days again =S


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