Saturday, August 18, 2007

rush of blood into the head

Pesta Sukan was a blast! We did well for both games I must say.
7-1 [ Youths VS Storm ]
6-2 [ LMFC VS Youths ]
Considering that we are a totally different team, we did well :) and not forgetting our dearest keeper Miss Joreen Lee, despite her being injured.
I'm soooo tired, I ran like a mad dog today all around the court. And I still went to work. I stood for 4 freaking hours.
My right leg and arm is bruised. Sheesh, I look as though I just got abused by my mum ? Ha

Its week 16 already. 4 more days left with my clique.. awww I'm gonna miss them but I bet they're gonna miss me shitloads too. Hahaha


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