Sunday, August 05, 2007

First & second day of work at B&J was good. I learnt quite abit, hehehehe like making waffles, milkshakes etc. I think I can scoop ice-cream well man, and damn, you seriously need lots of strength to do so. Which means, I'm gonna get more muscles on my right arms. =S I mean which girl want muscles?!?!
Anyhow, shit has been happening to me lately. Water went into the right side of my ipod earplugs and.... tadah, it's partially deaf. Wth, so I went to buy this set of audio-technica earplugs and because of it, I think I have to delay to buy my Levis watch.
AND FCUKKKKKKKKK, the right side of the earplugs is totally dead please? I need to go get a refund or smth. Dammmmmmmmmmit! I can't live w/o music la, imagine travelling to Woodlands w/o music on the bus. I can just do w/o my hp, but not my ipod please.
Ahhh and now, I reek of ice-cream smell! I always used to complain about my sister when she comes home from work ( Swensens) cuz the smell of ice-cream on her is like TOTALLY strong. And now, its my turn. Sheeeeeeesh! I don't wanna be called ice-cream girl or smth.. Wth.. I need some good hand moisturiser because I have been washing aaaalot which makes my hands dry. Wahaa I sound damn bimbotic, okay stop it !
Oh wells, maybe I should stop grumbling. Its monday tmr, I'm gonna bring more DVDs to watch in class. A walk to remember tmr :)


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