Tuesday, August 14, 2007

I hate to fall sick, especially when competition is nearing or what. What a bummer.
I was paranoid during training yesterday when I saw rashes at my neck there. I thought I contracted some kind of disease or what. HAHHAHA kk ignore that.
So my oh-so-sweet sister accompanied me to the doc's, thanks bitch !
I spent like 44 bucks for my medicine and all. Wth, damn ex please.

On a lighter note, so many events coming up ! Pesta Sukan, 3on3, Malaysia trip, Pol-ite...
OMGOMG Malaysia trip is the only thing that excites me. I can't wait please!
Wooooo gonnna have hellla fun there, and not forgetting the shopping part.
Heheheh, for now. I just gotta hope I'll recover soon before Pesta!
WAhwahwah i feel like my nose gonna explode soon cuz i sneeze too much please. This suck


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