Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Should I Stay Or Should I Go?

Erm okay yes I know I wanted to close down this blog initially but I guess, I can't bear to part with it. Hahaha oh wells.

We've almost come to the 2nd week of holiday and the first week spent was great, Adroits Team Outing like finally after so long, Island Creamery, Henderson Waves?

Soak Up The Sunnnnnnn

Favourite Fatties ( Fattest, Fat )

Team ADROITS & Sentosa for you.

Soooooo MAN! HAHA


I dreamt of my dad yesterday while sleeping on the sofa in my new place, I dreamt of him sitting on the chair right beside the sofa talking to my aunties and all. Then I realised that my dream wasn't even realistic at all, because in the first place, his clothes weren't at home. What a dream, and yes I know I need to go visit him soon in the columbarium in the church. The smell inside the columbarium sucks, it's as though it hasn't been exposed to fresh air for 10 years but ahhh, someone accompany me?

You know sometimes you realise that some things shouldn't even have happened at all in the first place and yes, someone's being oh-so-childish again. Whatever to you and like I give a damn about you anymore. Bye.


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