Monday, August 11, 2008

Your biggest fear?

I feel that my mum's like the man in the house, next to her will be my sister. The queen has been doing every single thing for the new house like literally everything, cleaning and unpacking etc. The last time we renovated our house was when my dad's not around, this time round he's not around again. You know that sometimes you really need a man in the house to do the work, things that only Men are capable of.

I know my mum misses my dad somehow, I saw this really big card he sent to her so many years back. It was sent to "Tay Su Su" (cuz my mum's name is tay siew bee) HAHA I know my dad can be that lame -.- . My sister's like a second dad in the home, she catches all the cockroaches, lizards cuz she knows we're afraid of them, especially me. Okay I know I sound like some spoilt brat here but I'm TRYING to do my best to help out. Heheheh they all still love me anyhow!

So back to my point, I was talking to Duck just this afternoon while we were crossing the road. y biggest fear ever is to see my friends being knocked down by a car and the worst thing to ever happen is to see your friend die right before your eye. I can never imagine that, and I don't want to anyway.

Just a few months back, I was almost there but everything failed. I'm quite scared though, honestly very scared that the same thing will happen again. Maybe I'm thinking too much, haha who knows it's all nothing.. Ok this post might be a lil redundant.

Anyways, Evan if you're reading this I'm so lazy to go school tomorrow (Monday). Sorry! I'll definitely be going on Tuesday KKKKK LUB CHEW ALL LIKE HI-CHEW.
Right now,


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