Thursday, September 18, 2008

like finally i'm on time for school today, no -0.5!
school's been good so far, one of my faci audra came to talk to me the other day, she said that i'm very distracted in class everyday by my laptop. tsktsk, i know but arghhh until now i seriously regretted choosing CCC over SHL arghhhhhhh biggest regret in rp.

training's been so far so good, 3 weeks more to pol-ite ohmygoddddddddd damn fast. i still can remember last time when it was like 2 months more but now it's nearing. the girls are doing goood so far yessssaaaaaaa let's make it this year please!

everything's been so good so far ;) hehehh and yes im happy that i can finally tie my hair just that my face looks like =S
arghhhhh i hate my fatface, k i know you all are laughing but shutup.
i need to try and motivate myself to do some work. ciao girlsboyssssss.


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