Thursday, September 11, 2008

Today is one of the few days that I'm back very early, considering that I have trainings almost everyday, today is such an exceptional.
It's already Thursday and we've got 15 weeks of school to go before Year 3 starts..

Year 3 sounds pretty scary yet pretty fast, scary because there's FYP to do and when we can't even handle our PP, what's FYP man? Fast because it's been like 3 years into our poly life, and poly life is the best like everyone says, and I totally agree but hey I miss my secondary school days too. I bet I'm gonna miss RP once I graduate, I'll miss the everyday floorball trainings too even though I'm complaining so much. Anything for POL-ITE huh.

Life's been pretty good so far I think. It's TGIF tmr, like finally the weekends are here. I want my sleep please :)

hello there ;)


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