Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Sometimes or rather, many times in life, things don't usually happen the way we want it to be. As much as how you want certain things to go your way, they will never happen. And when you least expects it to happen, it happens. Funny isn't it how life is like that.

As much as I would love this certain thing to happen, I know deep inside it's not gonna happen, sometimes wishful thinking can just lead you to nothing but disappointments. As much as I would love to play ***, I know I can't or I just can't bring myself to do something that I don't find happiness in doing.. It's like different, so different from how I started..

Well things happen for a reason right? And if they don't go your way... I guess...

life goes on. hahaha omgidontknowwhatiamtalkingabout


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