Thursday, July 09, 2009

I'll get by fine without you
I lie about you
You got no spine only mine
Don't you know wrong from right
It's up to you
You're such a fool

Ahhh, Steoreophonics is awesome, soooo soothing and their lyrics are (Y).
Class is good today, my faci had to disrupt me again haha:

Faci : Sheryl you got any questions to ask?
Me : Errr no (well as usual i was busy w my laptop, I was kinda stuck on my FYP report anyway!haha)
Faci : Why not take this time and be more vocal now? Ask questions like how you sing songs in class
Me : Errrrrrrrrr. hahahah and the whole class laughed

Okay if you don't get it nvm but i find it funny. hahahaha I wanna do a video on Vengaboysssssssssss. Duck you're doing it with me!


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