Thursday, August 23, 2007

holidays baybeh !

I skipped 3 days of school and tmr's the official holidays.
Every year, I will have some goals to accomplish during my holiday period.
Just like last year, my goal was to study for Os which somehow never came true. lol instead, I spent my holiday away playing Floorball.. So the outcome was, ending up in RP.
It's not a bad thing after all, I've got no exams as compared to other poly students who are currently mugging for their exams next week. lol goood luck peepo !
So for this holiday, my goals are :
- to get a gooooood tan
- spend more time with my family & friends. LIN WHEN CAN WE GOOO OUT.
- intense training for upcoming POL-ITE
- bla bla bla, probably get more money !

Whether or not I'll achieve my goals, time will tell everything. hahaha
Till then, I gotta settle Malaysia trip stuffs. Ciao !


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