Saturday, May 17, 2008

get busy baby

Well, where do I start from? School's been good and all, so we celebrated Nick's & Aisha's birthday in class on let's see.. Tuesday I think? Nicole got him a cake, and cunt bought him condoms. It was my first time seeing a condom okay, I'm a hella innocent kid please heehheh. And yeah he blew it up into a big ballooon and it fucking burst, hahaha I didn't know condoms could expand sooooooooooo much!

Floorball was coooolzzxx today, RP to NYP to TP. Travelling suck ballz please, work's tmr. NO SCHOOL ON MONDAY and erm, I skipped Friday's lesson again cuz I overslept =S
I hate Friday lessssssssssssons please, and I seriously dont know what else to blog already. My laptop's bluetooth is being a bitch, I still can't bluetooth the photos over. KNN, and glitz is this week. So many events, kthxbye!

Birthday kids

Yeah the blooody condom, hahahaha gross lah Nick.

See what my classmates changed my wallpaper to =/


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