Monday, September 03, 2007

i can't believe you fcuking did that.

I can't believe you fcuking did that, please be considerate and think of the others man.
Everyone thrashed things out with each other and found out that we all got 'cheated'.
Maybe you should just grow up and be more mature, please?

Mummy has been in a bitch-fit lately cuz she's unhappy that I've been home late.
I feel that my house is like a hotel to me, I spend my time at home to sleep only. And the rest of the day will be spent outside, chilling and chilling.
Lately I keep talking back to Mummy, this is bad. I need to change this bad habit..
I know she's just concerned about me, she even bought insurance for me for the Malaysia trip when she heard that there's no coverage of insurance.
I love my mummy & sister la, but I just can't express out to them. I shall be nice and get them something back from Malaysia.

Good morning ladies & gentlemen, its 2.44am now & I can't seem to sleep. I still need to wake up early because I have to report for work at 1030am. Alright, I shall try to get to sleep now.


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