Sunday, September 09, 2007

all good things come to an end.

Why do all good things have to come to an end ?
I think this entry is gonna be long.. for I've not blogged for 4 days. I bet u guys miss me shitloads, ahahaha.

Overall, I must admit I really enjoyed the Malaysia trip with the girls. You guys are the bomb la ! Like bom bom bom bom, ahahaha if you get what I mean. How about, I blog day by day huh.

So Day 1 was like how we all were like Primary school kids, getting eggcited over every single thing.. The bus journey there was long, our backsides were as hot as hotcakes, flat as flat-tops. LOL. The first thing we reached KL was not to check into the hotel BUT, to head off for training at this deserted sports hall. I think we girls are super pampered kids that we need to wear more pampers, we complain about every single thing. But seriously, the court there is even worst than TSH'S and the boards were EWWWWWWWWWWW. It was freaking dirty and ewwww. I dont wanna go on about it. Ya so we had team dinner and all after that, it was all good :) Everyone then started their nonsense, just like how we go screwloose like a screwdriver. lol

Day 2 was the most fun day I must say. The highlight of that day was Paintball where we all were separated into 2 groups. I got shot at my waist there by Ruyi Seah La. Nyahahah, and so much for wanting to get my revenge, I was out first. LOL. We then had friendly against the Malaysian team after that, compromising of both guys and girls. I think we all did well :)
Team-talk that night was about the negative points about us. In Janelle's room, Duck, K, Joreen and me were laming around with Ruyi. I think she's getting lamer and lamer day by day that she needs both the wheelchair and crutches. Lol, somehow we all opened up and so did that Skinny Bone ( Ruyi ) too. Then I bunk-hopped to Karmun and Joreen's. The smell of their room is worst than.. I dont know how to describe that smell, super sourish please. HHAHA those girlsssss.

Day 3 was more of training day. We trained in the morning where we played some games where I kept losing and have to do those forefeits in front of everyone which made me damn embarrassed like a cow please. LOL, thanks to the bright idea of Skinny Bone. She keeps pinching my cheeks and calls me chubby cheeks. At night was better, we had a friendly game against the Malaysian team then we headed back to the hotel. We surprised Skinny Bones with a birthday cake and I bet she was happy. She better be happy la hor? HAhaha, cuz it was XiaoLaoShu's (Duck) and yours truly's so-wonderful idea. After that it was Royal Rumble between the SKINNIES & the FATTIES. Obviously, the Skinnies has gotta be me and duck whereas the Fatties are... Lim Karmun and Joreen Lee. AHAHAH

Day 4 was more like a carefree day. This time, team-talk was different. Everyone had to write the positive points of each other. We had only 1 hour to shop after that. The most eggciting part of the day. We all ran over the shopping centre from shop to shop, hahahaha and I was left with only RM2 after buying clothes. Mampos, I think I kind of overspent. OH WELL, girlsssssssss nowadays.
Then we set off back to Singapore which I wasn't really looking forward to. We played Yati's version of Snap on the bus and for all that 3 rounds, I lost. Mampossss. I keep getting BULLIED by everyone!! Hahaha I still miss the trip and the people man :)

My bunk-mate was none other than Rigel, hahaha. We definitely had fun washing our clothes and rushing to dry them for trainings. Oh well, I'm so sorry for you have to call me up every morning. Hahaha just like my personal alarm clock =p
Overall, everyone opened up more after this trip. Especially Skinny Bones, she kind of lamed around which I myself cannot tahan her. Hahaha oh well.

Anyway this trip couldnt have been better without you girlssssss, thanks girls! Lub chew allzxzxzxzz. PICTURES SOOOOOON!


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