Wednesday, September 05, 2007

moving on.

Good morning people,
I just feel like blogging suddenly. We're now in the midst of our second week of holidays..
Considering that we have only 3 pathetic weeks of holidays, its just a week left to school.
WHY WHY WHY must RP have the SHORTEST holiday as compared to the other polys?

I feel like an auntie lately please, even Ruyi told me so..
The girls are gonna have their U19 Pesta Sukan at DMarquee in about 10 hours time. Thank goodness Downtown East is just like 3 bus-stops away from my house.. If not I gotta wake up early and all.

I seriously need to control my time management, I'm always late for everything. HAHAHA its sooo me lately.
Considering that I have to report at RP at 7AM SHARP on Thursday is like a goal for me. Which means I gotta wake up at 530am. Sheeeeessssssssh.
Anyway, apologies to those who waited about 45 mins for me at Queensway today.HAHAHA. I was busy at home waxing my legs you see. So we finally went to collect the Adroits tee and everything turned out well. I think the girls would love the tee, they better do so ! lol

Okay I think I gotta go and hang my clothes now. Its 1.35AM mind you.
I must be damn stupid to go and wash my clothes at such hour, cheee bong. Thats because I need my sports bra to dry for the trip ! I have too little sports bra and mummy doesnt wanna sponsor money to buy for me. Oh well, payday soon !


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