Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Dinner at my place.

Lately, we have so many activites going on everyday. I know all of you can't bear to not see me for one day. Hahaha, so the girls came over to my place on Monday to lepak.

While the rest are busy cooking, see this slacker over here. haha

WOW, Lim Karmun can actually cook

So below are the pics of us clearing up after Skinny Bones called us to meet her at ECP in half an hours time. Believe it or not, we actually managed to get everything done and cleaned up in that half-hour, teamwork baybeh ! Lim Karmun mopping floor, lol no wonder she cannot do drag shots properly. I think Adroits is super bonded like covalent and metallic bondings. HahahaVideo of us cleaning up !


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