Sunday, September 16, 2007

Good morning humans, its 2.32am now and guess what. I just finished hanging the damn washing machine clothes, cuz my sister and mum are becoming lazy asses.
Shit, I feel that I'm getting quite pissed with them recently. I dont know if they both got posessed together or what, but seriously I'm the only one doing the housework all these while. Fcuk, they can make me go mad sial seriously. I went to church today and I hope that Jesus can teach them a lesson. Hahahaha they deserve it baybeh!

Shit and school's like tomorrow, I seriously doubt I can wake up on time to get my ass off to school. The bus had better not be packed with RP students if not I'll get a bitch fit early in the morning.

Karmun and I have decided to go and mop the damn floorball court because it is seriously way too dirty. kkkk on a lighter note, I'll be going to JB. hehehehe, bye !


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