Thursday, September 13, 2007

Life's been treating me fairly good so far except for the past 2 days of diarrhoea. I felt like I was pregnant with ------'s baby. HAHAHAH OOOPS!

Mummy is making me go crazy these few days, I think she has picked up some bitching habits from her oh-so cute daughter. SHIT, I think its karma to me cuz recently I kept asking her for money. And I just found out 2 days back that she actually took a huge sum of money from my bank without even telling me. That's like totally bitchy seriously.
I was so pissed off that I felt like murdering her on the spot ????? Hahaha okay I take that back but seriously she should just get a life and stop treating me like a maria in the house. She has been asking me to mop the damn floor everyday because she knows that I'm the best mopper in the house.

All these stupid housework will make my hands rough, thank god for those moisturizers around. Okay out of topic but wtf seriously. Okay for now, I need to go and hang the clothes. My sister and mum quite smart ah, wash the washing machine clothes already then go out, leaving this poor little girl all alone at home to hang those clothes. They gooooooooooood, I shall go punk them soon seriously.

On the other hand, school is just like next week. Wah and I'm so not looking forward to it firstly because there is a change of reporting time for the year1s, we now have to be in class at 8.30am which I totally CMI please. 9am can already kill me, what about 8.30am. Shitzxzxz and my class is full of Ah-Tiongs/Bengzxzzxzz/Lianxzxzzxzxzxzxz. How to survive like that ????? 16 weeks of all these will turn me into ????? I really don't know and don't want to know. & Pol-ite is in a month's time.


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