Sunday, October 14, 2007

against all odds.

I'm finally back from work! I've been standing for the past 8 hours +, my goodness. My right arm is kinda aching now cuz I think I scooped TOO MUCH ice-cream just now. Hopefully it'll give me more power to my shots tmr, nyahahaha. I did so much washing, thank god for the moisturizers sial. I think my flu is getting worst, its kinda blocked now and I can't smell anything. SHIT I NEED TO GET WELL BY TOMORROW ASAP.
Tomorrow's the starting of POL-ITE, I'm feeling eggcited yet nervous. Hmmm, considering my first time playing in POL-ITE. I hope everything goes on well, so may the power be with RP ! HUAT AHHHHHHHHHH


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