Thursday, October 04, 2007

I need more sleep.

This week has passed by rather quite quickly. Waking up at 715am to go to school everyday is like asking me to do some Adventure Learning Centre activities which nearly scared the shit out of me. I have been late for nearly an hour plus for class everyday. I miss those times where Greenview is just like opposite my house, if only RP was like Greenview... Fuyoh, baik sialzxzxz.
The late nights have been giving me eye-bags and worst of all, pimples oh my lord. Shit, I hate it when pimples start popping out on your face. They make you look like some chickenshit face.

So we girls had this ALC ( Adventure Learning Centre ) activities today after school. Before that, we played a game something like Hunter, squirrel and forest like what we did in Malaysia. And again, I don't know why I lost. All thanks to Xiao Lao Shu for pushing me away u bitchzxzxzzzx. Nyahahah. Shit, I think I really suck at that game. Moving on, we all had to climb this bloody long pole of about 6 storeys high ? Then after standing on that pole, we had to jump to catch this thing up in the air. Ohmygod at that point, I felt like I was dying. I don't know how people can go commiting suicides.

I took rather long to complete that activity, and everyone was complaining. HAHAHA OOPS.
Seriously I was so scared like a dog, I rather do suicides/get hit by balls than ever do that activity again. OOPS. But its normal right? At least I din go screaming like some mad woman.
It would be better if there were pictures, but hahaha. We'll see if I can get those photos. Till then, chooodles ! ITS TGIF TMR !


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