Tuesday, October 23, 2007

now I'm 70%.

Mondays have never been so good before, yesterday a whole lot of us from the Floorball team happily skipped school and slept till noon.
Yet I totally dread to go school now on Tuesdays because of the UTs going on now and my stupid module is so boring like a cow. I always end class the latest on Tuesdays because my facilitator expects so much from our class. You know, its 4.36pm NOW and I'm still in class?!?!?! Walao I feel like walking out but thats super attitude, turbun la my faci.

Tomorrow is the last day of POL-ITE... Whoa how fast 1 week has just passed by like that. So whether we'll clinch our silver medals will depend much on tmr's game against NP. I'll blog again. kthxbye.


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