Friday, February 15, 2008

World of our own.

Wednesday was a day finally spent with those 2 girls like finally, I headed down to TP to find them. And actually, TP is quite fun and happening after all. If only I took retail management.. Hahaha okay RP is equally good lah. Pichas pichas.

Wahlao I look damn Chaota please.

Okay hello lin it's been soooo long i know, u know i know i still will love you lah. Anyway u still look the same and all, just that... I've grown so much taller than u HAHAHA. lovelove! meet up sooooooon yo!
Eh Miss Chan, I dont know if you still read my blog lah. But whatever it is, you've seem to matured quite alot since Sec 4 lah hor. Hahahaha let's go out soon with your more nonsense. Lovelove!
Karmun is back from China like finally too! Yessa and both Gerri and her went to find me at my workplace yesterday. How sweet nehx on Valentine's Day somemore. Hehehehex.
So my Valentine's Day this year was spent with the both of them + Duck. I've never spent it with anyone else for the past 18 years, so maybe... I'll make it the same for every year.
Oh my godzxz this morning I think my mum suddenly ate a monster pill or something that at 6am IN THE MORNING, she suddenly went opening my sister's and my door. Going crazy with her stupid screams and all just because she wanted us to keep our clothes on the sofa so she could lie on it? Seriously I think I heard her, but I just couldn't give a damn about her. My dumb sister could actually wake up just to go and keep those clothes -.-, damn I would have screamed back at my mum if she really broke my sleep. Crazzzzzy, I think she's sad cuz no1 spent Valentine's Day with her =S


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