Monday, December 31, 2007

Hello 2008, Goodbye 2007.

I'm back from camp like finally! Omg it's been 4 days of floorball and nothing but just floorball and more floorball (besides ALC/Paintball/Dragonboat).

I'm gonna keep this entry pretty short because the past 4 days of being missing away from the world makes me feel like some alien in RP. All we girls did was just train, eat, sleep, prank call the boys and sleeeeeeep.

We had ALC the first thing we reached camp and I nearly died during the ALC, thankfully my partner was Gerri. She herself was also afraid of heights lah, so Gerri stop pretending that you're not! HAHA.
Dragonboat was kinda fun too, not forgetting that cute guy who guided us. Heheheh, and all of us got a little burnt. Paintball was a killer today seriously, I got a headshot/kneeshot/waistshot and zomg that hurt like freak.

Honestly, I missed home during camp. Like since when I'll miss home man, especially my oh-so-comfortable bed. Anyway Betty's prankcall at night really made all the girls laughed till our tummy ached, oh my philly! HAHAHA.

So it's about 3 hours more to 2008.. 2007 has been well, a rather good year I must say. Starting my tertiary education in RP, meeting new friends and of course not forgetting my wonderful RP floorball mates.

Well I hope for a smooth sailing 2008 right ahead of me, and of course to do well in my studies =S Too much slacking yo!

Sheesh I don't know why there's so many paragraphs in this entry so pardon me. I really don't know what to blog already, my brain's like seriously dead. Too much floorball can make one sick, haha. Okay I'l blog soon.

Happy new year to everyone!


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